Monday, February 28, 2011

RIP Jewel and Root Beer

I thought I should dedicate this post to two of our best does that we have sadly, recently lost. Both animals have majorly contributed to our herd and have left us a lot to remember them by.

Jewel with her Best Doe in Show trophy

This is Jewel (4/15/06-12/9/10), a NDG Doe. In her life time, she has produced 7 kids total; 2 bucks and 5 does. All have excelled during shows and have been highly complimented on. Jewel herself has been to 8 shows. Here is a list of all of her major wins:

7 x Sr. Champion
7 x Grand Champion Nigerian Dwarf
1 x Reserve Best Doe in Show
1 x Best Doe in Show
1 x Best Udder in Show

As you can see, Jewel has a pretty good show record. The judges really did love this girl! Now with her gone, it is up to her 3 retained daughters to take her place in spotlight.

This is Root Beer (5/2/07-1/17/11), a dark caramel pygmy doe. She has produced 2 bucks and 2 does total.  Both does have done superb in the show ring and we are very excited to see both of them mature. Roo has been to only 2 shows, but she has done well. Here is a list of her wins:

1 x Sr. Champion
1 x Grand Champion Pygmy

It may be a short list, but it is still one to be proud of. We dearly miss Roo, but we hope to improve on what she has given us. 

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