Thursday, February 24, 2011

Frankly My Dear (Frankie)

In October, 2009, we finally bought a NDG (Nigerian Dwarf Goat) buck, and am I happy we did! At the time we bought him, we had mostly pygmies and we weren't completely sure what to look for when buying a buck. Also, it didn't help that he was in his winter coat, but we decided to give him a shot. We bred him to our nicest NDG doe and the kids were born on May 1st, 2010. Both were the same color as Frankie and had his blue eyes.

In August, we took the girls, Timber and Topaz, to the county fair, not really sure what to expect. Show night came and both sisters did well. Timber was the favorite of two and the judge loved her! She said that if Timber had been a senior doe, she would have been the Best Doe in Show.

The picture above does not show Frankie off very well, we hope to get a new one soon, but you can see some of his strong points. He has great dairy character, leg angulation, and body capacity. He is strong on his feet and has great milking lines in his background.

This is Frankie's sire, Wood Bridge Farm Wewillywinkle. His sire is Rosasharn UMT Pippin *S *B and his dam is Wood Bridge Farm Viola Lolla.

This is Frankie's dam, Maplewood Hilltop Gold Nugget. Her sire is Rosehollow E Colt 45 and her dam is Moon Spinner's Aspen Gold.

We have three does bred to Frankie this year and we are super excited to show his kids as senior does in a year.

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